Myopia, or near-sightedness, is very prevalent not only in the United States, but worldwide. Approximately 25-41% of people in the U.S. have myopia, and up to 70-90% in Asian countries! Myopia occurs when the eye is either too long, or the curvature of the front part of the eye is too strong, causing light to be focused in front of the retina. This leads to blur and difficulty with distance vision.
Corrective lenses or refractive surgical options can typically correct for this. But what about people who would like freedom from glasses during the day, but maybe are poor contact lens candidates who do not want to pursue surgical options? Is there an option for them? Or, what about athletes who need clear vision without glasses, or swimmers who can't wear contacts or glasses in the pool?! There is another option. Ortho-keratology, or Ortho-K, uses a rigid gas permeable lens, or hard contact lens, to gently flatten the cornea while you sleep. When you wake up and remove the lens, vision will be optimal for 12-15 hours OR longer without any correction! This device was approved by the FDA in 2002.
Ortho-K is also a great option for children with myopia, especially those who may benefit from myopia control. Myopia of greater than 6.00D usually indicates an increased axial length of the eye. This raises the chances of developing a retinal detachment, or other retinopathies, and even glaucoma. By slowing the progression of myopia, and the axial length of the eye, these risks can be decreased. Studies, including the SMART* study, have shown Ortho-K is a valid option for myopia control in children.
Questions? More than likely... here are a few commonly asked questions about Ortho-K:
So, do I wear the lenses all the time?!
No. Ortho-K lenses are worn only at night, during sleep, for at least 7-8 hours. They should be worn every night. One of the advantages is if you wake up in the middle of the night, your vision will be clear with them on, AND when you remove them in the morning!
Does it hurt?
You may have an awareness of the lens at first, which gradually decreases over time. The lens gently reshapes the cornea while you are asleep, but there are no feelings of the corneal change, other than improved vision when you wake up! 96% of patients in the FDA trial found the comfort level acceptable.
Is vision correction with Ortho-K lenses permanent?
No. Vision will return back to normal in as little as 72 hours after discontinuing the lens.
What is the minimum age to wear Ortho-K?
There is NO age limit! Similar to with soft contact lens wear, we may ask if a child is capable of doing chores, brushing their teeth, getting ready for bed by themselves, they usually will do well in contacts. It is important that the child is him- or her- self motivated to wear the lenses.
Sound too good to be true?! Come see for yourself, and let the Eye Care Center answer other questions you may have, determine if you would make a good candidate, and walk you through the process.
* If you would like to read the study that was conducted, please click the following link: SMART study