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To Strong women.
May we know them.
May we be them. May we Raise them.
Here at Eye Care Center, we want to take a moment to thank and appreciate all of the amazing mother's out there! We want to give a special shout out to all of our ECC mamas!
To: Zina N. Sauls "I've seen happy eyes, I've seen sad eyes all from my amazing, strong mother! As a little girl, my mother called me her little chocolate chip. She taught me true beauty is within a woman and to always love yourself. For this, I say thank you for always believing in me, encouraging me to do better and be better at everything I did. You ROCK mommy." - Lataviya
To: Thanh Jennifer Le "Shout out to the special someone who carried me physically for 9 months, and carried me financially for 24 years. I appreciate all that you've done for me and when I make this dough (money) as an Optometrist, I'll carry you anywhere. Love you mom!" - Kevin
To: Sandra Markgraf "My mama is very sweet, has a big heart, and has certainly put up with me through a lot of phases in life. We look exactly alike, she has passed down all of her features - even the exact same loud laugh. When she visits me, we love to shop during the day and watch Friends or Whose Line Is It Anyway while drinking chocolate milk at night. Coincidentally, Dr. Zike saw my mother in San Antonio during her clinical rotations at my mother's eye doctor. We found this out by pure accident, but what a small world! I'm so thankful for my hard working mama and all that she has done for our family! Happy Mother's day!" - Veronica
To: Charleta Bursey "The first description that comes to mind when I think of my mom is SELFLESS! My mom always puts others (especially her kiddos) first. Something I will never forget is the day we moved into my dream practice. My mom was with me every step of the way... including my 1:30am eye exam we did on her JUST to make sure our systems check was in order. We had so much fun despite being exhausted and worn out. She always has my back and I love her so much for that! Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there, especially mine!" -Belinda
To: Ruby Samuelson "My mom is so amazing. How awesome it is to have someone support you through everything in life and someone who will never give up on you." - Amy
To: Susan Guest "Hey mom! Thank you for always being the best of everything for me, you truly are my very best friend! All of my life you have supported me, comforted me, and built me up to who I am today! I will never be able to thank you enough, I can just pray that I can be half the mom you are to us! Oh, and thank you for giving me bad eyes, so I can always wear cute glasses! I love you, Momma! :)" - Callie
To: Jenifer "Now that I am a mother myself I truly understand the meaning of love! My mom taught me many things! However, what I am most grateful for was her unconditional love and selflessness! That alone gave me a good foundation to be a good mom. Thank you for all of your sacrifices, always being in my corner, and for giving me life. Your love lives on through me and is now passed on to your grandchildren. Happy Mother's Day to the soon-to-be moms, those still with us, and those in Heaven. I will love you forever, my guardian angel!" - Krystle
To: Lisa Calhoun "aMazing, lOving, sTrong, Happy, sElfless, gRaceful... Those words explain my MOTHER. I would like to thank you for EVERYTHING, being my mother, friend, protector and most of all being there when I needed someone the most. I just wanted to take the time out and say thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you and HAPPY MOTHER's DAY!! Love your FAVORITE daugther, Dekaviya :) "
To: Cynthia Garcia "My mom is completely selfless, she always put others before herself. She has never been to a spa, had a pedicure, etc.. because she makes sure that we are taken care of, first. I never ask for help EVER from my parents and this recent move back to College Station, she is trying her best to send money so I can be on track and I know that is real tough on her, so I greatly appreciate that. Completely thoughtful and loving mother, always kind and grateful." - Ivan
To: Trish Wilmes "My mother always sees the beauty in life. She always has and continues to put others and her family first. She is unbelieveably sefless and caring. She is fiercely strong, is the hardest worker I know, and now as an adult, I realize more just how stinkin' cool she is. I absolutely would not be who I am today without her, and can never thank her enough for all she does. I love YOU, mama!" -Abby
We hope everyone has a beautiful weekend and is able to celebrate and cherish time with family, and give a little extra TLC to all our mother's out there!
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Did you know May is Healthy Vision month!? What a great reason to share some tips that you can use to help protect one of our most precious senses!
Get regular comprehensive eye exams.
During a comprehensive eye exam, not only is your vision checked and a prescription for glasses or contact lenses determined, but a thorough check of the health of your eyes is performed. Many common eye diseases have no symptoms until they are late in the process, such as glaucoma, diabetic related eye disease, and macular degeneration.
Know your family’s eye history.
Many eye conditions can be hereditary. It is important to know if you are at an increased risk for developing some eye diseases. This may prompt your eye doctor to monitor you more frequently, if you are at an increased risk of certain conditions. Let us help keep a closer eye on you!
Eat right for your sight!
You may have heard the old adage that carrots are good for your vision, and to some extent this holds true. Overall a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially those high in antioxidants like dark berries and leafy greens are essential in supporting the tissue in the eye1. Omega-3’s have also been shown to help relieve dry eye, as well as provide anti-inflammatory support to ocular tissue.
Don’t Smoke!
Research has shown that smoking can be particularly detrimental to the eyes. Smoking shows an increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, optic nerve disease, which can lead to severe, permanent vision loss.2, 3
Wear your shades.
The tissue in and around the eye is very delicate and is susceptible to damage by UV light. Cataracts, macular degeneration, and pterygia are all influenced by damaging UV rays. Wearing a good pair of polarized sunglasses with 100% UV-A and UV-B protection can help prevent and/or slow down the progression of these conditions.
iAge-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. The relationship of dietary carotenoid with vitamin A, E, and C intake with age-related macular degeneration in a case-control study. Archives of Ophthalmology; 2007; 125(9): 12251232.
iiAge-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. Risk factors associated with age-related nuclear and cortical cataract. Ophthalmology; 2001; 108(8): 14001408.
iiiU.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General. The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General (Washington, D.C., 2004).